Tag Archives: Islam

Biden’s Empty Words Cost American Lives (Video)

Biden’s Empty Words Cost American Lives

boudica us Published August 30, 2021


RumbleBiden’s Empty Words Cost American Lives

Biden, an empty suit with empty words and empty actions. The democrat party and all who voted for Biden bear responsibility for the Joe Biden clusterfuck in Afghanistan.

Islam! Change my mind 001 (Video)

Add Post Islam! Change my mind 001

boudica us Published June 12, 2021


Every day we can read of the atrocities against humanity committed by Moslems in the name of Islam. I would like someone to explain to me why I should embrace Islam, Moslems as peaceful and able to co exist with the norms of western civilization. Hit one of my sites, boudica.us https://boudicaus.wordpress.com/ It’s a Moslem thing https://itsamoslemthing.wordpress.com/blog/ or any of my other sites. There are many links to follow.

Biden—The First Frightful Month (Dr. Martin Sherman) + Biden Admin Plans To Restart Palestinian Aid That Largely Funds The Unthinkable – By Adina Kutnicki

Add Post  Via Adina Kutnicki

Biden—The First Frightful Month (Dr. Martin Sherman) + Biden Admin Plans To Restart Palestinian Aid That Largely Funds The Unthinkable – By Adina Kutnicki

[Published at AmericasCivilWarRising.org]

IN light of the below Middle East wildfires, leave it to the Biden-Harris/Harris-Biden admin to stoke the ever-boiling pot, indeed, heating the temps up to the max!

NOT only that, the domestic landscape in America has never been more (purposefully) fractured; pitting one identity group against the other! Inexorably, if a magician was asked to conjure up a spell on the most exhaustive ways to bring America to her knees, meanwhile, bringing the west to the brink, well…

AS such, it is more than instructive and worth examining the most on-target analysis re the above via Biden — The First Frightful Month featured within.

♦  ♦  ♦  ♦  ♦

ISRAEL NATIONAL NEWS | Dr. Martin Sherman | March 2021

The apparent inability of its electorate to separate policy from personality may drive the US to the cusp of 3rd world status and endangers the Union.

Freedom is a fragile thing and it’s never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by way of inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. Governor Ronald Reagan, January 5, 1967.

Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, I won. – President Obama to House Republican Whip Eric Cantor, January 23, 2009.

These are among the darkest days of American democracy. With nearly airtight totalitarian uniformity, the American media robotically repeats that there is no possible argument to be made that the 2020 presidential election produced an unjust result-– “Democrats Cling Desperately to Trump Hatred, January 14, 2021.

The following extensive—but far from exhaustive—critique of the first month of the Biden presidency comprises the following paragraphs:

1. Implausible but not impossible

2. Espousing Black supremacy…

3. Confirming & commending anti-Semitism as “indisputably fact-based”

4. Inverting MLK’s “I have a dream”: Prioritizing color over character?

5. Iran: Ominous omens

6. Iran: Determined to duplicate disaster

7. “Palestine”: Perturbing predilections

8. Storm clouds on the horizon?

9. “Falesteen” and the Foggy Bottom folks

10.Ushering in 1984 and “Newspeak”

11.“Big Brother is watching you”

12.“…police state with KGB-style surveillance”?

13.Militarizing the capital; politicizing the military?

14.Militarizing & politicizing (cont.)

15.Un-American bigotry

16.Egregious executive edicts– Blurring biology & bigotry

17.Egregious executive edicts—Making America dependent again

18.Egregious executive edicts—Making America Mexico?

19.Biden: The unavoidable outcome

The deed is done! The inauguration of Joseph R. Biden as the 46th President of the United States is now a fait accompli. Indeed, for just over one—ill-omened—month he has now been in office.

Despite this—and the drive to de-legitimize doubt or dissent—the controversy as to the authenticity of the election results and the legitimacy of their outcome refuse to subside.

Implausible but not impossible

Of course, it is not totally beyond the realms of possibility that an insipid challenger and his unpopular running mate amassed almost 83 million votes, outstripping the previous record popular vote cast for the far more vibrant Barack Obama in 2008 by around 12 million votes.

Likewise, it is not entirely impossible that an incumbent president, who:

  • oversaw a remarkable economic recovery;
  • achieved record low unemployment rates including for ethnic minorities and women;
  • provided for the exceptionally swift production of a vaccination for the COVID-19 pandemic—within a time frame initially considered unrealistically short;
  • built up the US armed forces without entangling the nation in any further foreign military campaigns; and;
  • extended his overall electoral support by over 10% and 7 million votes to attain a popular vote higher than any previous incumbent;

was ousted from office by a lethargic, lackluster opponent and his low profile, evasive and non-committal campaign—after two distinctly unsuccessful attempts (in 1988 and 2008) to win the nomination as his party’s presidential candidate.

But even those who believe that Biden won the election “fair and square” without the aid of “underhand” shenanigans, should be able to understand why so many feel that a Biden-Harris victory—especially by such a wide margin—is to, say the least, highly implausible.

A pro-Biden “thumb on the scales”

Adding to the sense that Biden’s victory was aided by a heavy “thumb on the scales”, was the blatant collusion by major social network firms and mainstream media to refrain from reporting on potentially pertinent negative information on Biden, his family, and their shady business activities with America’s chief geostrategic rivals—and thus prevented it from reaching voters before they cast their ballots.

Significantly, The Media Research Center (MRC), a media watchdog group, conducted a survey in seven swing states. It found 1 in 6, or almost 17% of those who voted for Joe Biden would have changed their vote had they known about the events which the national media and social network companies decided not to cover.

But no matter how gullible or skeptical over the electoral outcome one might happen to be, the die has now been cast. The ominous trajectory for the American people—and for much of the world—has been set. Adina Kutnicki read more

Ann Barnhardt vs. the jackass Lindsey Graham.

Ann Barnhardt vs. the jackass Lindsey Graham.

While conservative free speech is under attack, Lindsey Graham is busy praising Joe Biden’s cabinet picks. These Republicans are reprehensible.
Lindsey Graham was married at the hip to another RINO John McCain and showed his true colors regarding the 1st amendment in 2011.

Ann Barnhardt vs. the jackass Lindsey Graham.

This girl has it right and has more cojones than Lindsey Graham and Harry Reid combined, in fact more than most men and any so called leader. Burn baby burn. H/T to Txlady for the videos. Please visit.


Ann Barnhardt rebuts Lindsey Graham’s remarks on 4/3/2011 regarding the First Amendment. Part 1 of 2.


Ann Barnhardt rebuts Lindsey Graham’s comments of 4/3/2011 – and a certain totalitarian political manifesto is quoted and then conflagrated.

Read the below in entirety at American Thinker

Ann Barnhardt Fights Totalitarian Islam and Its Useful Idiots

Once again a mere flicker — in this case burning a copy of the Koran in Florida — has ignited the inferno of deeply seated infidel-hatred that pervades the contemporary Muslim world, precipitating violence, death, and general mayhem amongst our Afghan ” allies.”

This eruption was hardly pastor Terry Jones’ fault. The insane orgy of murderous Muslim violence in Afghanistan was a direct result of Islamic doctrine. Jones’ simple non-violent act effectively administered a diagnostic societal stress test revealing — yet again — the pathological mindset engendered by an Islam that remains ossified in its Medieval fortress, defiantly unreformed and unrepentant.am